Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ever blue final

1215 Makalapua PL
Honolulu HI, 96817
December 10, 2011

Kamehameha Shopping Center                                                                                                                                                                 1620 N School St                                                                                                                                                                                      Honolulu HI, 96817 
Dear Ever Blue, 
I am a frequent customer at Ever Blue; I come to shop at your store almost ever other month. I adore the sense of fashion your store has to offer at reasonable prices. You do a great job in keeping the facility sanitary with neat fitting rooms and clean floors. The clothes always seem to be organized on designated racks and in specific areas around the store to help buyers shop easier. I really appreciate that. 
However, one main concern I have for the store to help improve business is the training of the employees. I feel that it is necessary for the workers to be trained completely before assigning them to work the job independently. I recall a few times waiting to pay for my items which took about 20 minutes of me waiting in line with only 2 people who were in front of me. One of the main reasons was because the cashier was unable to work the register. She would constantly have to call another employee to help her out. Another reason of why it took so long for me to pay for my items was because the cashier was confused on which item she already scanned, which items she took tags off of, and even how much money she was supposed to give back. I remember one customer in front of me who came back to the desk while it was my turn to pay explaining that the clerk gave her change back a dollar short. Also in the fitting room, there was a time I had to search the whole store for someone to assist me to a door in the fitting room. From a high standard store like yours, I don't think it's acceptable to give customers any reason to say that you give bad service. 
Another example of a problem I encountered through a few visits to Ever Blue was the attitude of the employees. One incident that has happened to me is the service that the workers give, although they are polite to the customers through their friendly face and manners, the workers who attend the fitting room to help other customers to stalls looked like she didn't want to be there, it seemed as if she didn't want to get up from her chair just to place a tag onto a door for a customer. Just by the expression of attitude through the workers, it leaves some customers to feel uncomfortable about coming back to the store again if the attitude of workers seem to be as if they are unwilling to attend to customers or show no effort of wanting to help out in the store. I feel it gives customers the wrong impression of the store. I'm not expecting all your workers to come to work with a enthusiastic personality throughout the whole day, although I expect a certain amount of respect to show to the customers. I suggest to advice the workers to show enthusiasm to the customers and make sure to come to work with a positive attitude to show to other customers. 
Overall, I think your store does a good job in maintaining the status expected of Ever Blue. I just feel that these suggestions about the employees training and service will help your sales. I hope you take into consideration about what I've had to say of the store. I'm pretty sure with the constructive criticism I had addressed in this letter, it will help your business. I think that it's most important for stores with good service will help give customers the attitude to want to come back and shop again. Thank you for your time. 

Angelica Faylogna

Monday, December 12, 2011

Portfolio Parent Presentation

*I showed my mom my portfolio, she browsed through every page on my wix website and asked any questions if she was unsure of any of the assignments that I talked about. She went through my blogspot page just to see all the work I've done this semester. She was interested to see the how I was writing in my essays and how I was learning to improve on the way I wrote them as well.


  1. What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why?
  2. What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
  3. Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency) do you feel was most successful for me?
  4. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ever blue final

1215 Makalapua PL
Honolulu HI, 96817
December 10, 2011

Kamehameha Shopping Center 
1620 N School St
Honolulu HI, 96817 

Dear Ever Blue,
I am a frequent customer at Ever Blue, I come to shop at your store almost ever other month. I adore the sense of fashion your store has to offer at reasonable prices. You do a great job in keeping the facility sanitary with neat fitting rooms and maintain clean floors. The clothes always seem to be organized on designated racks and in specific areas around the store to help buyers shop easier. I really appreciate that. 
However, one main concern I have for the store to help improve business is the training of the employees. I feel that it is necessary for the workers to be trained completely before assigning them to work the job independently. I recall a few times waiting to pay for my items which took about 20 minutes of me waiting in line with only 2 people who were in front of me. One of the main reasons was because of the cashier unable to manage how to work the register. She would constantly have to call another employee to help her out. Another reason of why it took so long for me to pay for my items was because of the cashier being confused on which item she already scanned, which items she took tags off of, and even how much money she was supposed to give back. I remember one customer in front of me who came back to the desk while it was my turn to pay explaining that the clerk gave her change back a dollar short. Also in the fitting room, there was a time I had to search the whole store for someone to assist me to a door in the fitting room.From a high standard store like yours, I don't think it's acceptable to give customers any reason to say that you give bad service. 
Another example of a problem I had encountered through a few visits to Ever Blue was the attitude of the employees. I have noticed the attitude the employees give to the customers. One incident that has happened to me is the service that the workers give, although they are polite to the customers, by the way they speak to them, they should also show a friendly expression in their faces on how they look at other customers in the store.  Other times, the worker attending the fitting room to help other customers to stalls looked like she didn't want to be there, it seemed as if she didn't want to get up from her chair just to place a tag onto a door for a customer. Just by the expression of attitude through the workers, it leaves some customers to feel uncomfortable about coming back to the store again if the attitude of workers seem to be as if they are unwilling to attend to customers or show no effort of wanting to help out in the store. I feel it gives customers the wrong impression of the store. I'm not expecting all your workers to come to work with a enthusiastic personality throughout the whole day, although I expect a certain amount of respect to show to the customers. I suggest to advice the workers to show enthusiasm to the customers and make sure to come to work with a positive attitude to show to other customers. 
Overall, I think your store does a good job in maintaining the status expected of Ever Blue. Although, I hope you take into consideration what I've had to say. Despite the negative comments I have mentioned, I appreciate how friendly & helpful majority of them are by asking if any customer is in need of assistance on finding or reaching any items. I also appreciate how they apologize for any confusion whenever there is a delay in paying for any items or assisting any customer wrong. I'm pretty sure with the constructive criticism I had addressed in this letter, it will help your business, because good service at stores gives customers the attitude to want to come back and shop again. I just feel that these suggestions about the employees training & services with help your sales. Thank you for your time.

Angelica Faylogna

1215 Makalapua PL
Honolulu HI, 96817
December 10, 2011

Kamehameha Shopping Center 
1620 N School St
Honolulu HI, 96817 

Dear Ever Blue,
I am a frequent customer at Ever Blue, I come to shop at your store almost ever other month. I adore the sense of fashion your store has to offer at reasonable prices. You do a great job in keeping the facility sanitary with neat fitting rooms and maintain clean floors. The clothes always seem to be organized on designated racks and in specific areas around the store to help buyers shop easier. I really appreciate that. 
However, one main concern I have for the store to help improve business is the training of the employees. I feel that it is necessary for the workers to be trained completely before assigning them to work the job independently. I recall a few times waiting to pay for my items which took about 20 minutes of me waiting in line with only 2 people who were in front of me. One of the main reasons was because of the cashier unable to manage how to work the register. She would constantly have to call another employee to help her out. Another reason of why it took so long for me to pay for my items was because of the cashier being confused on which item she already scanned, which items she took tags off of, and even how much money she was supposed to give back. I remember one customer in front of me who came back to the desk while it was my turn to pay explaining that the clerk gave her change back a dollar short. Also in the fitting room, there was a time I had to search the whole store for someone to assist me to a door in the fitting room.From a high standard store like yours, I don't think it's acceptable to give customers any reason to say that you give bad service. 
Another example of a problem I had encountered through a few visits to Ever Blue was the attitude of the employees. I have noticed the attitude the employees give to the customers. One incident that has happened to me is the service that the workers give, although they are polite to the customers, by the way they speak to them, they should also show a friendly expression in their faces on how they look at other customers in the store.  Other times, the worker attending the fitting room to help other customers to stalls looked like she didn't want to be there, it seemed as if she didn't want to get up from her chair just to place a tag onto a door for a customer. Just by the expression of attitude through the workers, it leaves some customers to feel uncomfortable about coming back to the store again if the attitude of workers seem to be as if they are unwilling to attend to customers or show no effort of wanting to help out in the store. I feel it gives customers the wrong impression of the store. I'm not expecting all your workers to come to work with a enthusiastic personality throughout the whole day, although I expect a certain amount of respect to show to the customers. I suggest to advice the workers to show enthusiasm to the customers and make sure to come to work with a positive attitude to show to other customers. 
Overall, I think your store does a good job in maintaining the status expected of Ever Blue. Although, I hope you take into consideration what I've had to say. Despite the negative comments I have mentioned, I appreciate how friendly & helpful majority of them are by asking if any customer is in need of assistance on finding or reaching any items. I also appreciate how they apologize for any confusion whenever there is a delay in paying for any items or assisting any customer wrong. I'm pretty sure with the constructive criticism I had addressed in this letter, it will help your business, because good service at stores gives customers the attitude to want to come back and shop again. I just feel that these suggestions about the employees training & services with help your sales. Thank you for your time.

Angelica Faylogna

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

RB Revised Final

Influences of the media cause anorexia and bulimia in teenagers, which are dangerous ways of dieting that can lead to death. The media plays a big role in the way that majority of people look at themselves. The media gives us an update on what's in style & what isn't. From the way we dress & the way we talk, and for most teenagers, it is a priority to fit in. Through the society we live in, we are influenced through the use of magazines and the television. Celebrities also a play a huge role in the way we a influenced as well. We constantly imitate trends for actors/actresses to models and commercial adds. It is a natural problem for us to feel like we have to fit into this society. Majority of teenagers, from 57 percent of girls to 68 percent of boys with eating disorders feel that it is essential for the to be like everyone else.
  Through television, the majority of commercials advertise only the skinny figured & light weight models. This is a fact, knowing that majority of models are required to a certain figure, some even have to be  about 10% below the healthy body weight. Specifically for clothing models that advertise stores such as Macy's, Aeropostale, Gap, etc. the main thing they look at into choosing who to advertise their clothes through commercials are mainly from their body figure instead of facial appearances. Their main intentions are to make the viewers want to look as good as those wearing that brand of clothes. Also for Victoria Secret models, as many girls dream to become one of them, the requirements to be one are  much more strict, the ideal height is 5'9-5'11 and the standard model size is 34 chest, 24 waist, and 34 hips. It is a a hard. This leaves teenage girls wanting and wishing to change almost everything about themselves only for the desire to fit the requirements and become one.
  On popular shows viewed by the majority of kids and teenagers across America are influences of many young stars that act on shows on that channel. One major chanel specifically is nickelodeon, they have organized a few examples of how to stay in shape. One is the big help project, they encouraged kids to get involved in community services to get in shape & make a difference. Although their intentions were to advice the kids to help make a difference, I felt it was unrealistic knowing that they intentionally used the common actresses and actors of popular shows on the channel as a example. They showed them planting gardens without even breaking a sweat or ruining their make up or hair and still show that they have a great body because they stay active. I don't think that the message was at all affective to the viewers. Most kids tend to not take these projects seriously, for example another project they organized was the world wide day of play. It was the same exact thing, you basically watched the celebrities play games and sport but not any of them seemed out of breath & looking perfectly fine, but with an appearance of a good body to show of it. It didn't show the viewers watching a realistic example of how they stay in shape or how they were able to achieve that body image.
  Nevertheless, from speaking of children's channels, another example would me Disney Channel, the majority of young actors they recruit to act on shows are of a a skinny body image as well. They specifically look for girls with a petite figure to play as fairies and girls with a long and thin body image to act as princesses. This gives other girls with dreams of becoming a fairy or princess like those on disney channel the intuitions of wanting to look exactly the same as them or to become just as skinny like them to become a princess, actor, or fairy. There isn't really a certain limit of when eating disorder can occur in a child, but through influences such as the desire to be like one of them, the media does a big role of how teenager and young children look at themselves, wanting to be "perfect" like those in the movies. 
  Most Importantly, the media does show of celebrities that have the same body type. Through the media, it easy to depict who is a popular celebrity or not. The main reason for that is in seeing who has a better ideal image of a "perfect" person. It are those models who everyone looks up to or hates because of what the media says is beautiful or out of style. For those shows who talk specifically about celebrity drama and competition such as the Insider. They are constantly sharing the latest information on how the celebrities are today and who is "hot" or who's "not". One episode talked about how celebrities were getting in shape after just delivering children, they were acknowledging those such as Kourtney Kardashian or Angelina Jolie, but then again changed the subject talking about having exclusive picture of Tyra Banks & Janet Jackson getting fat, they starting making fun of them & calling them "fat after fame". Things like that are a horrible example considering that most people are sensitive about the subject of body weight, it gave the wrong image on how people should look at themselves.
  Overall, I for one again say that the media plays a huge role on the influences that most teenagers and young children look up to. Despite the fact of how powerful the messages through the media are, I say that it actually doesn't do a good job addressing the message of being yourself & being in shape when they have shows specifically telling you how to dress or how to look, & channels showing you workouts w/ commercials of people who have gotten in shape in a little amount of time knowing how unrealistic the results look through the commercial. All these examples and influences all are a part of the media. Also to celebrities and models who influence these messages of getting active when there are no realistic examples on how they are in shape but do tell their peers to be in shape and be just as skinny or masculine as them.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Angry Letter: Ever Blue

Dear Ever Blue,
   I have a frequent customer at ever blue, I come to shop almost every other month. I adore the sense of fashion your store has to offer and at the reasonable prices. Although one main concern is of the employees. I feel as if majority of the employees that are hired are teens. Probably for a "first job"experience.
   One thing I think should be improved on is the training of the employees.I recall a few times waiting to pay for my items which took about 20 minutes of me waiting in line with only 2 people who were in front of me. One of the main reasons was because of the cashier unable to manage how to work the register. She would constantly have to call another employee to help her out. Another reason of why it took so long for me to pay for my items was because of the cashier being confused on which item she already scanned, which items she took tags off of, and even how much money she was supposed to give back. I remember one customer in front of me who came back to the desk while it was my turn to pay explaining that the clerk gave her change back a dollar short. I appreciate how they apologized for the confusion.
  Another thing I have noticed is the attitude the employees give to the customers. I appreciate how friendly & helpful majority of them are by asking if any customer is in need of assistance on finding or reaching any items. However, one incident that has happened to me is the service that the workers give, although they are polite to the customers, by the way they speak to them, they should also show a friendly expression in their faces on how they look at other customers in the store. Also in the fitting room, there was a time I had to search the whole store for someone to assist me to a door in the fitting room. Other times, the worker attending the fitting room to help other customers to stalls seem bored and tired. I feel it gives customers the wrong impression as if they are  unwilling to help the customers out. I suggest to advice the workers to show enthusiasm to the customers and make sure to come to work with a positive attitude to show to other customers. I'm pretty sure this will help your business, because good service at stores gives customers the attitude to want to come back to shop at every blue frequently.
   Again, I appreciate your services at ever blue. Your company an workers do an outstanding job at maintaining the stores. I just feel that these suggestions about the employees training & services will help your sales.

Angelica Faylogna

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eating Disorder Essay FINAL

Influences of the media causes Anorexia and Bulimia in teens which are dangerous ways of dieting that can lead to death. Eating Disorders can come in a variety of types, for example compulsive exercise which is also a growing problem as each disorder is a little different that each other,they all portray extremely dangerous health risks. Although the two main ways out of many are Anorexia and Bulimia which are again, both deadly illnesses that spread from your thoughts and emotions, different from bacteria, flu viruses, or sexually transmitted diseases. Eating Disorders are more than just problems involving food. Due to the negative feeling or perspectives about food, it can affect your relationships toward friends, family, and everyone else around you. Having an unhealthy relationship with consuming food can not only harm your body but also you emotions. 
In addition to the media, part of the societal problems are a result of lack of education. Girls and boys need to be aware of the changes their bodies go through during puberty and why, and as well, why they should feel proud of their bodies no matter what size or shape. A high percentage of the American culture falls into one of two categories. Couch potato or exercise freak. A good example of public influences involving eating disorders in young children are from a popular doll called "Barbie". Majority of young girls own one, but that of course does not necessarily mean that they all will experience the influence to want to be just as skinny as her or as perfect  like her.
Super models in all the popular magazines have continued to get thinner and thinner. Modeling agencies have been reported to actively pursue Anorexic models. The average woman model weighs up to 25% less than the typical woman and maintains a weight at about 15 to 20 percent below what is considered healthy for her age and height. Some models go through plastic surgery, some are "taped-up" to mold their bodies into more photogenic representations of themselves, others even photoshopped to perfect images, and some photos are airbrushed before going to print. Not many come across to realize that majority of the images are fake.
Bulimia Nervosa is one type of eating disorder the word "bulimia" originated from the greek words buos ("ox") and limos ("hunger"), which together meant, "hunger of an ox." Bulimia nervosa forces sufferers into a dangerous cycle of bingeing and purging. Today, bulimia is a major social concern. Bulimia forces sufferers into a dangerous cycle of bingeing and purging after consuming food, while anorexia forces sufferers to basically not eat anything to try and achieve a certain body image that majority of the time is influenced by the public or media through television or magazines.
At a grocery store as you wait in line to pay after shopping, the first thing you see are racks of magazines all with images of celebrities with an ideal body that most people want to achieve. It can second guess yourself to eat that bag of chips you are waiting in line to buy or any other foods. Most people desire to be as "perfect" to those who advertise and model for clothing brands or any other brands from bags to jewelry that you see through newspapers, magazines, or billboards.
On the other hand, from most studies of interviews with victims of eating disorders, they didn't realize how unhealthy starving themselves or binging and purging was. Their main intentions were to try and get skinny and in shape, or to try and get slim in a short period of time, not realizing that being in shape doesn't necessarily mean looking thin. This reason seams relatable to people who wonder why victims were lead to an eating disorder. This inspired more organizations to help treat victims to recover by donating and helping find healthier options of dealing with their unsatisfied relationships with their bodies. 
It is important to understand the point of view between victims that lead them to ending up with eating disorders. Most cases that lead to eating disorders were emotionally through depression, lack of self esteem and self acceptance, or basically just the fact that taking shortcuts to getting skinny was faster and easier than to live a healthier lifestyle by changing their diet or exercising frequently.
Two examples of celebrities who used to suffer from eating disorders are Mary Kate Olsen, who experienced anorexia, and Paula Abdul who battled bulimia. Public concerns about Mary Kate Olsen's anorexia surfaced during a public appearance in 2004 where she and her sister received their star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. These days Mary Kate Olsen's anorexia seems to be under control. Apparently she has been doing quite well recovering from anorexia. Also with Paula Abdul's situation with bulimia, in an interview during the early 1990's she confessed to always viewing herself as too short and overweight, and described her eating disorder as self-punishment. The Paula Abdul bulimia battle lasted for a long time. After opening up about her bulimia she received help through psychiatric therapy.
Eating disorders a quit common than most people suspect. The National Eating Disorder Association, about 5 to 10 million girls and women , and 1 million boys in the United States are battling from an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Currently more than 8 million Americans are suffering from eating disorders. 90-95% of them are female, although the number of males suffering from eating disorders are increasing. About 1 out of 10 with an eating disorder are male. According to recent studies, about 40% of the newly diagnosed cases of anorexia are girls and young women who are between the ages of fifteen and nineteen.
Adolescence is a time of confusion when teens are often trying to discover who they are as they journey closer to adulthood. They face increased independence, life choices and new friendships and they begin to date and seek acceptance from the opposite sex and their peers... All of this while their bodies are changing and their hormones are raging! This combined with any additional problems in their family, friends or new relationships can easily put teens at a higher risk for an Eating Disorder. Overall, it is an extremely dangerous way of losing weight. It shouldn't be tried even once and should also be treated by those who suffer from eating disorders today. Despite it's little benefits, you can die. Eating disorders can't only affect you physically but also mentally.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Essay Draft Eating Disorders

   Eating Disorders can come in a variety of types. Two main ways out of many are Anorexia and Bulemia, both deadly illnesses that are stems spread from your thought and emotions rather than bacteria or viruses such as the flu or sexually transmitted diseases. Eating Disorders are more than just problems involving food. Due to the negative feeling or perspectives about food, it can affect your relationships toward friends, family, and everyone else around you. Having an unhealthy relationship with consuming food can not only harm your body but also you emotions. Compulsive exercise is also a growing problem as each disorder is a little different that each other,they all portray extremely dangerous health risks.
    Bulimia Nervosa is one type of eating disorder the word "bulimia" originated from the greek words buos ("ox") and limos ("hunger"), which together meant, "hunger of an ox." Bulimia nervosa forces sufferers into a dangerous cycle of bingeing and purging. Today, bulimia is a major social concern. Bulimia forces sufferers into a dangerous cycle of bingeing and purging after consuming food, while anorexia forces sufferers to basically not eat anything to try and achieve a certain body image that majority of the time is influenced by the public or media through television or magazines. At a grocery store as you wait in line to pay after shopping, the first thing you see are racks of magazines all with images of celebrities with an ideal body that most people want to achieve. It can second guess yourself to eat that bag of chips you are waiting in line to buy or any other foods. Most people desire to be as "perfect" to those who advertise and model for clothing brands or any other brands from bags to jewelry that you see through newspapers, magazines, or billboards.
  On the other hand, from most studies of interviews with victims of eating disorders, they didn't realize how unhealthy it was. Their main intentions were to try and get skinny and in shape, or to try and get slim in a short period of time, not realizing that being in shape doesn't necessarily mean looking thin. This reason seams relatable to people who wonder why victims were lead to an eating disorder. This inspired more organizations to help treat victims to recover and find healthier options of dealing with their unsatisfied relationship with their body. It is important to understand the point of view between victims that lead them to ending up with eating disorders. Most cases that lead to eating disorders were emotionally through depression, lack of self esteem and self acceptance, or basically just the fact that taking shortcuts to getting skinny was faster and easier than to live a healthier lifestyle by changing their diet or exercising. Two examples of celebrities who used to suffer from eating disorders are Mary Kate Olsen, who experienced anorexia, and Paula Abdul who battled bulimia.
  Eating disorders a quit common than most people suspect considering that according to the National Eating Disorder Association, about 5 to 10 million girls and women , and 1 million boys in the United States are battling from an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Currently more than 8 million Americans are suffering from eating disorders. 90-95% of them are female, although the number of males suffering from eating disorders are increasing. About 1 out of 10 with an eating disorder are male. According to recent studies, about 40% of the newly diagnosed cases of anorexia are girls and young women who are between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Overall, it is an extremely dangerous way of losing weight. It shouldn't even be tried even once and should also be treated by those who suffer from eating disorders today. Despite it's little benefits, you can die. Eating disorders can't only affect you physically but also mentally.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Or Card

Outside Reading Card: I think I deserve a 3 for my effort in trying to capture the theme of the book in my outside reading card as I show a man dressed in a rabbit costume and little girls near him. I even chose the text to match the theme of the book and also coordinated the main colors of the O.R. Card to blend with the emotions that follow in the book since it is based on a childhood of a girl and how it changed her life. My conflict and resolution show how Rhonda embraced her fear of the world by getting the chance to speak out after witnessing Ernie's kidnapping. She experiences a coming of age from losing her best friend Lizzie being abducted as a child to years later having a chance to actually get to the bottom of the crime when Ernie disappeared. My quote matched the theme of the story which is to never let go, just as Rhonda never forgot Lizzie and how her experience inspired her to help find Ernie. I portrayed the story of the book well by how I explained it through my conflict and resolution with accurate & supporting details that expresses the major insight of the novel. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Making The Best Out Of It (College Essay Final)

  Growing up, I never understood the sacrifices it takes to having a sibling. All I knew was that I wanted one. After years of asking my parents for a younger sister or brother, I never realized how much responsibility it took and the challenges it brought to not only the family but to me.I always told my parents I want a baby brother, because a baby sister will just steal all my clothes and toys. My relatives were much more in shock of my mother's pregnancy than myself. They couldn't believe she was expecting a child because of the big age difference it would be since I was already 8. I would watch my mom suffer throughout the months with excruciating headaches and large amounts of throwing up daily. She was always in bed sleeping. As the day finally came, I was more than excited, to come to the hospital one day after school to see him. His name is Aedan. At the time, all I could think about was how I was going to use him to do things for me. It amazed me so much at how he grew up so fast in a matter of months. Around the fourth month, after a check up at the doctor. They told us something was wrong with him. They said his strength was very week for his age. They suspected it to be muscular dystrophy, from the signs such as his frail cry to how little he moved his legs and arms. That day, changed my families life. I thought having a brother was going to change my life a lot, but instead I ended up surprised to find out that I was going to have to help deal with the situation my brother and family were going to be put into. That very day, was the first and only time I saw my dad cry. I knew deep down that this problem was not going to be so easy to fix. Adjusting to this situation was the hardest thing.
    Aedan had gone through many test, procedures, and check ups for his situation. Not much has changed, he is now 6 years old and he can't walk or lift his arms up completely. He has a tendency to be terrified of the hospital during appointments, knowing that majority of the time is because they want to give his shots. Mentally, he is perfect. Surprisingly his favorite subject is math. One of the priorities I promised myself I would do as an older sister is to protect him. Whenever he is in school, I always ask him if there are people that stare at him or if there are students that tease him for his disability. It crushes me to hear things like he can't participate in certain things because of what he can't do physically. Although I know he will go far considering how sharp he in mentally. My mother always compares me to him saying how much more common sense or how much better his grades are than me. Caring for Aedan is a difficult chore. As his only sibling I do so much for him. Sometimes, it traumatizes me to think if I ever do have kids of my own, but that's what makes us close. We work together to make the best out of everything. I don't mind making him food to eat, but when it comes to things like bathing him, changing him, or moving him around, there is a problem for me. It's hard work, I think this should be considered a sport for all the time and effort it involves. There are times where people mistakenly think I am his mother because of this things I do to take care of him in public. Although, I don't mind since that's the least I can do to help out my parents when they need time for themselves to focus on their job or the bills to pay.
   There are moments I have with my family where we just stop to think about everything going on. My family is close to our religion, we believe in the love, power, and grace of God. Whenever we are at the point where we top to question, "why me?" or "why did this have to happen to our family?" we always consider that God put us in this situation for a reason and that he only gives us problems that he knows we are capable of handling. There are moments where we break down and cry for all the problems we face, I know that everyone experiences suffering, but I know no one will ever understand the way I've suffered through my childhood. I've given up so much for Aedan, but I don't regret anything. I have sacrificed not only things to save money for the family, but also activities, or even just attending a friend's party on the weekend just so I can stay home to help out. There are even times where my parents go under so much stress that I end up having to pull the family together and be strong. I remember there was a point in my life, around the seventh grade where I felt that no one understood me. Knowing the kinds of things my parents were going through, sometimes I felt at fault whenever they were in a bad mood. It seemed to me that no one cared how I felt about the situation. I ended up discluding my friends from my problems when I should have seeked help and comfort from them. I thought they all had life easier than I did, I thought I was unlucky to be given this amount of stress brought onto me for my age. In all, I came to realize the positive side of being blessed with Aedan.
   I thank God for blessing my family with Aedan. I would never go back in time to change a chapter in my life. I realized Aedan was brought to our family to bring us closer. "The harder the push, the stronger you are". I believe that because of our situation with Aedan, he has brought our family a greater challenge that overall makes us a stronger family. Because of him I grew the courage to do things I have never imagined. I changed my whole perspective of how I viewed school, from getting good grades, to being friendly instead of separating myself from everyone. Facing the challenges it takes to raise Aedan everyday has given me the courage to try on other things. I decided to try and get into Moanalua High School instead of settling for attending my district school Farrington High School, I am much more interested in getting involved such as volunteering that the Kalihi YMCA Teen Leader Program to watch kids during Summer Fun. He has taught me the importance of  doing well in school, and also has given me the ambition to plan ahead onto my other goals in life. It has interested me on planning to join the medical field and become a nurse, from experiences with helping to care and raise my brother. Without him I would not have had the courage to try out for the basketball or volleyball team, or for chorus, cheerleading, class Vice President, karate, and even for Sophomore homecoming attendant. He gives me the strength to stay proud of myself, in everything I do. I look at him everyday considering how blessed I am from God that because of Aedan, he has opened my eyes to show the purpose and potential I have to achieve things I never thought I would and branch out far to get to my goals I set out.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Making The Best Out Of It (College Essay Draft)

   Growing up, I never understood the sacrifices it takes to having a sibling. All I knew was that I wanted one, at the age of 8 after years of asking my parents for one I realized just how life changing it is. I always told my parents I want a baby brother, because a baby sister will just steal all my clothes and toys. I understood why it took so long for it to happen, after all, I was already in third grade when I asked for one in preschool. I was more than excited, to come to the hospital one day after school to see him. His name is Aedan. At the time, all I could think about was how I was going to use him to do things for me. Watching him grow bigger so quickly in only a few months amazed me. Around the fourth month, after a check up at the doctor. They told us something was wrong with him. They said his strength was very week for his age. They suspected it to be muscular dystrophy, from the signs such as his frail cry to how little he moved his legs and arms. That day, changed my families life. I thought having a brother was going to change my life a lot, but instead I ended up surprised to find out that I was going to have to help deal with the situation my brother and family were going to be put into. That very day, was the first and only time I saw my dad cry. I knew deep down that this problem was not going to be so easy to fix. Adjusting to this situation was the hardest thing.
   Aedan has gone through many test, procedures, and check ups for it. Not much has changed, he is now 6 years old and he can't walk or lift his arms up completely. He has a tendency to be terrified of the hospital during appointments, knowing that majority of the time, they want to give his shots. Mentally, he is perfect. Surprisingly his favorite subject is math. One of the priorities I promised myself I would do as an older sister is to protect him. Whenever he is in school, I always ask him if there are people that stare at him or if there is students that tease him for his disability. It crushes me to hear things like he can't participate in certain things because of what he can't do physically. Although I know he will go far considering how sharp he in mentally. My mother always compares me to him saying how much more common sense or how much better grades he has than me. Caring for Aedan is a difficult chore. As his only sibling I do so much for him. Sometimes, it traumatizes me to think if I ever do have kids of my own, but that's what makes us close. I don't mind making him food to eat, but when it comes to things like bathing him, changing him, or moving him around, there is a problem for me. It's hard work, I think this should be considered a sport for all the time and effort it involves. There are times where people mistakenly think I am his mother because of this things I do to take care f him in public Although, I don't mind since the least I can do to help out my parents is take care of him when they need time to focus on their job or bills.
   There are moments with my family where we just stop to think about everything going on. My family is close to our religion, we believe in the love, power, and grace of God. Whenever we are at the point when we question "why me?", we always consider that God put us in this situation for a reason. There are moments where we break down and cry for all the problems we face, I know that everyone experiences suffering, but I know no one will ever understand the way I've suffered through my child hood. I've given up so much for Aedan, but I don't regret anything. I have sacrificed not only things to save money for the family, but also activities, or going out with friends. There are even times where my parents go under so much stress that I end up having to pull the family together and be strong. There was a point in my life where I felt that no one understood me. Knowing the kinds of things my parents are going through, sometimes I feel at fault whenever they are in a bad mood. It seemed to me that no one cared how I felt about the situation. I ended up discluding my friends from my problems when I should have seeked help and comfort from them. I thought they all had life easier than I did, I thought I was unlucky to be given this amount of stress brought onto me for my age.  In all, I came to realize to positive side of being blessed with Aedan.
  I thank God for blessing my family with Aedan. I would never go back in time to change a chapter in my life. I realized Aedan was brought to our family to bring us closer. "The harder the push, the stronger you are". I believe that because of our situation with Aedan, he has brought our family a greater challenge that overall makes us a stronger family. Because of him I grew the courage to do things I have never imagined. Facing the challenges it takes to raise Aedan everyday has given me the courage to try on other things. I decided to try and get into Moanalua High School instead of settling for Farrington High School, I am much more interested in getting involved such as volunteering that the Kalihi YMCA Teen Leader Program to watch kids during Summer Fun. He has taught me the importance of getting good grades, and also has given me the ambition to plan ahead onto my other goals in life. It interested me on planning to join the medical field and become a nurse, from experiences with helping to raise my brother. Without him I would not have had the courage to try out for the basketball or volleyball team, or for chorus, cheerleading, class VP, treasurer,and even homecoming attendant. He gives me the strength to stay proud of myself, in everything I do. I look at him everyday considering how blessed I am from God that because of Aedan, he has opened my eyes to show the purpose and potential I have to achieve things I never thought I would and branch out far to get to my goals I set out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

College Essay Topic and Links

Carnegie Melon:
c. Choose a signifigant event in your life that had a large impact on you, wheter good or bad. How has this event changed you, taught you, or made you a better person, and what have you learned about yourself?

College links:
1) UH Manoa:
2) Hawaii Pacific University:
3) Chaminade University:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Realizing I've Watched Myself Branch Out

   It's easy for your parents and relatives to realize you're growing up. They practically mention how much I've been growing up every time I attend parties. Going to family gatherings, I was always reminded of how grown up I was getting till the point where it wasn't as shocking to me as when I was little. There were always my aunties, uncles, grandmas, etc. noticing of how tall I've grown or compliments such as how a beautiful, mature young lady I've grown to be, but there were those 'boyfriend' questions that didn't seem to keep me enthusiastic or thrilled. Somehow, it quite bugged me, but I realized, it's hard to know yourself if you're growing up because how will you notice that you are becoming more independent, responsible, taller, or maturer unless you stop to think yourself? 
   Through my elementary and middle school days, I was always the girl who could never keep her mouth shut in class. It was always "Angelica, will you please sit down and listen?" other times, "Angelica, are you listening to the lesson we are discussing in class right now?". Basically, I was a huge trouble maker. I loved to joke around all the time, although I knew that finishing my work in class and doing my homework on time was important or else I would get in trouble by not only the teacher, but my parents as well. I was disciplined enough to know my limits involving when not and when to be serious in class. 
   Around those years, my mom would always remind me to explore my interests now, so it will be easier to realize what I want to be when I grow up later. I would look at some of my friends everyday who would tell me that if they didn't get straight A's their parents would kill them. I for one was an "average student", with parents who told me, "your grades don't really matter until you go to high school, but a C and below is not acceptable!". I've always had an idea in life, to make sure I end on a good note. My parents raised me to understand, "It's not how I start, but how I finish". I take those words personally in everything I do or attempt to try. 
    Once high school came around the corner, I stopped to think if it was going to be as serious as my parents warned me it would be. All I could think about is, "I hope I get easy classes!" But that wasn't the case, starting Freshman year, I was much more concerned about "fitting in" because I was going to Moanalua instead of my district high school, Farrington. High school started becoming much more fun than I expected it to be, until I realized that taking MeneMac as my G.E. was getting to be really difficult. My classes were getting harder than I was usually used to. I wasn't so concerned until I started dropping my grades, this was when I realized that my parents were right. And just as I promised my parents, I would focus on grades more in high school. I started observing how other student could manage being in either a sport or after school activity and still be able to keep up with grades because I was planning on getting involved later on in my high school years.
    I think I didn't stop to realize how far I've gotten in my achievements until now, when I started Sophomore year. I stopped to look back and remember my freshman year, not being able to know how to study, or manage other things rather than just grades, and how to keep up in classes and still be able to fit in and make friends still wondering how I was ever going to make it through high school successful and make my parents proud of me in the end.
    I look at myself now, just as I dreamed or pictured it, not being aware that I am living my goal I planned only a year ago. Reviewing everything different from my Freshman year, I am a JV cheerleader, I know how to study for tests, I am more aware of keeping up with my classes, my grades are my first priority before anything, and it's getting easier to make friends because I am friendlier and have a better self esteem to try new things like running for homecoming attendant for the Sophomore class and I am even planning on getting involved in other things. I have gained so much confidence due to the achievements I've made so far. Just speaking to my mom a couple days ago in the car after she watched me as I cheered for a football game at school, she told me how proud she was of me. Noticing how mature and responsible I was getting, and how much more aware I was about my grades rather than my Freshman year. And as I stopped to think as well, I also realized how proud I was of myself knowing I achieved everything on my own.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Coming of Age Draft

   It's easy for your parents and relatives to realize you're growing up. They practically mention how much I've been growing up every time I attend parties. The first words I hear from them are, "Oh, look how tall you are now", "Wow, you are becoming such a beautiful young lady just like your mom", sometimes even "So, do you have a boyfriend now?". But I realized, it's hard to know yourself if you're growing up because how will you notice that you are becoming more independent, responsible, taller, or maturer?
   Through my elementary and middle school days, I was always the girl who could never keep her mouth shut in class. It was always "Angelica, will you please sit down and listen?" other times, "Angelica, are you listening to the lesson we are discussing in class right now?". Basically, I was a huge trouble maker. I loved to joke around all the time, although I knew that finishing my work in class and doing my homework on time was important or else I would get in trouble by not only the teacher, but my parents as well. Around those years, my mom would always remind me to explore my interests now, so it will be easier to realize what I want to be when I grow up later. I would look at my friends everyday who would tell me that if they didn't get straight A's their parents would kill them. I for one was an "average student", with parents who told me, "your grades don't really matter until you go to high school, but a C and below is not acceptable!".
    Once high school came around the corner, I stopped to think if it was going to be as serious as my parents warned me it would be. All I could think about is, "I hope I get easy classes!" But that wasn't the case, starting Freshman year, I was much more concerned about "fitting in" because I was going to Moanalua instead of my district high school, Farrington. High school started becoming much more fun than I expected it to be, until I realized that taking MeneMac as my G.E. was getting to be really difficult. My classes were getting harder than I was usually used to. I wasn't so concerned until I started dropping my grades, this was when I realized that my parents were right. And just as I promised my parents, I would focus on grades more in high school. I started observing how other student could manage being in either a sport or after school activity and still be able to keep up with grades because I was planning on getting involved later on too.
    I think I didn't stop to realize how far I've gotten in my achievements until now, when I started Sophomore year. I stopped to look back and remember my freshman year, not being able to know how to study, or manage other things rather than just grades, and how to keep up in classes and still be able to fit in and make friends still wondering how I was ever going to make it through high school successful and make my parents proud of me in the end. I look at myself now, just as I dreamed or pictured it, not being aware that I am living my goal I planned only a year ago. I am a JV cheerleader, I know how to study for tests, I am more aware of keeping up with my classes, my grades are my first priority before anything, and it's getting easier to make friends because I am friendlier and have a better self esteem to try new things like running for homecoming attendant for the Sophomore class and I am even planning on getting involved in other things. Just speaking to my mom a couple days ago in the car after she watched me as I cheered for a football game at school, she told me how proud she was of me. Noticing how mature and responsible I was getting, and how much more aware I was about my grades rather than my Freshman year. And as I stopped to think as well, I also realized how proud I was of myself knowing I achieved everything on my own.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blog Revision

I redesigned my blog by creating an autumn theme of writing that described the quote, "write to be understood, Speak to be heard, read to grow". I have a book open with my picture on one side, and saying "Angelica's blog" on the other with the quote below it. I used only warm colors, also adding in bare trees on the sides to help match the autumn mood I intended on making my blog theme look like.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who's to Blame?

    Between all the sides of the story depending on the situations regarding any of the fatalities that took place with tourists on natural landmarks there is never a 100% right side or wrong side. Although there is always two sides of the story. Either one. the tourists fault for being ignorant and making bad decisions around the natural landmarks or the government for not warning the tourists enough on how dangerous the area can be.
   For the tourists side of the story, I know that majority of people visiting the islands and viewing the natural landmarks are always here for a reason which is to have fun and go on adventures that the islands have to offer. I understand that part, but that is no reason to have no common sense because although you're having lot of fun, that doesn't make the area less dangerous. That is what I think causes accidents like this to happen because there are tourist who aren't thinking at the age level they should be. I can't say that all of the accidents are because of the thinking levels of many tourists because not all of the accidents could have been prevented.
  On the other hand, the government does play role in this because they are basically the ones who should know the areas best and should know more on how dangerous it can be. The areas that tourists want to view are always the most exciting areas which are also the more hazardous areas. I think that most tourist should know that already, but just in case, the government should warn them twice to prevent cases where some tourists find that they got hurt only because there were no signs warning them to be careful and at their own risk.
    Although throughout the world there are always areas that catch attention by many people who would want to visit and view all the beautiful natural landmarks wherever they please, but they must understand that there are many ways to die as well. You could die in more that a million ways, but never the less that does not mean that the government is responsible for any poor choices any tourists or even locals make regarding lack of common sense through decisions like approaching dangerous areas. Visitors should be smart enough to understand that entering areas like the natural landmarks of the hawaiian islands were not man made to specifically be safe for the public to use and handle. I think that the tourists that do get into accidents involving death and injuries from miss judgements are to blame, because majority of the time it is 100% their fault.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Parent Reflection on my GLO Portfolio

I know you will do your best, as you do each day. Keep that “I can do” attitude and always smile like a princessJ I am so glad you are starting out your dreams early and plotting out your education goals and career plans. With your “I can do” attitude and determination…you will reach your goals. Always remember your “GLO” portfolio and also you need to work harder on your time management and procrastination…lazy people don’t get ahead!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

GLO (1. Self Directed Learner)

-Through filming and editing videos, in time I learned how to independantly create my own videos by storyboarding, editing, filming, and even acting in it. A good example of this would be my Metaphor Video (I am a Doll).

-Also I have learned more and more to become a self directed learner by doing a project called Ecybermission. Although we all had to work together to produce and experiment, we all individually came up with different topics to share with the group on helping us chose a designated hypothsis for our project. At first, we had a hard time debating whether to do the project of the theme "Separating Fuel from Water" or "Color Memory", so instead Mrs. Nishite gave us time to do both experiments. Although overall, we decided to go ahead and continue to do our "Separating Fuel from Water" idea rather than our "Color Memory" experiment.

GLO Portfolio -Angelica Faylogna

   As the school year is coming to an end, it is time to reflect on our achievements throughout our academics. This year, I have learned so many new things majority in media such as learning new skills using Photoshop to editing videos on Final Cut. It was all new to me in the beginning, and I am proud to say I am capable of using them now. We also learn teamworks, quality performance and also time management. I also feel confident handling technology and equipment well when it comes to filming, editing, etc. I hope to have represented MeneMac to the best of my abilities.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Outside Reading Card (3rd Quarter)

Grading Assesment: 4
   I think I deserve a 4 because I spent a good time & effort creating this outside reading card and it does show when looking at it. I gave a lot of thought trying to come up with words to portray the conflict and resolution of the story clearly as best as possible. I also put in a lot of creativity on how I wanted the graphics to represent the story well by the way Edward holds Bella, also when outlining the words to not cover the main faces and to symbolize the relationships between Renesmee & Jacob, and also Edward & Bella. I chose a good quote to easily relate to the storyline & I even placed it nicely near Jacob, so that you could visually relate to the bond he had with Bella, and later the love he shared with Renesmee.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Final Draft of metaphor poem

I am a Barbie Doll
I am always smiling and laughing majority of the time
I can be a little ditzy, but I still manage to keep my dignity
My mood can chance as constantly as my clothes do.
Being fashionable is a priority
Some people hate me, & some people love me
I love myself but not as much as my family and friends
I am friendly, but I can also be a Brat at times
I am sensative, I can break or fall into pieces if you hurt me.
I might look or talk like I know nothing, but I know a lot
You wont know who I am unless we hang out or talk
I am a Barbie Doll

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Draft for Metaphor Poem

I am a Barbie Doll
I am always smiling and laughing majority of the time you see me
I can be a little ditzy at times, but I still manage to keep my dignity
My mood can chance as constantly as my clothes do.
Being fashionable is a priority for me
Some people hate me, some people love me
I love myself but not as much as the people who care for me.
I am friendly but sometimes a little too friendly, I am easy to become friends with.
I can be too sensative at times, I can break or fall into pieces if you hurt me.
I might look or talk like I know nothing, but really I know a lot
You wont know who I really am unless you hang out by me or talk to me
I am a Barbie Doll