Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ever blue final

1215 Makalapua PL
Honolulu HI, 96817
December 10, 2011

Kamehameha Shopping Center                                                                                                                                                                 1620 N School St                                                                                                                                                                                      Honolulu HI, 96817 
Dear Ever Blue, 
I am a frequent customer at Ever Blue; I come to shop at your store almost ever other month. I adore the sense of fashion your store has to offer at reasonable prices. You do a great job in keeping the facility sanitary with neat fitting rooms and clean floors. The clothes always seem to be organized on designated racks and in specific areas around the store to help buyers shop easier. I really appreciate that. 
However, one main concern I have for the store to help improve business is the training of the employees. I feel that it is necessary for the workers to be trained completely before assigning them to work the job independently. I recall a few times waiting to pay for my items which took about 20 minutes of me waiting in line with only 2 people who were in front of me. One of the main reasons was because the cashier was unable to work the register. She would constantly have to call another employee to help her out. Another reason of why it took so long for me to pay for my items was because the cashier was confused on which item she already scanned, which items she took tags off of, and even how much money she was supposed to give back. I remember one customer in front of me who came back to the desk while it was my turn to pay explaining that the clerk gave her change back a dollar short. Also in the fitting room, there was a time I had to search the whole store for someone to assist me to a door in the fitting room. From a high standard store like yours, I don't think it's acceptable to give customers any reason to say that you give bad service. 
Another example of a problem I encountered through a few visits to Ever Blue was the attitude of the employees. One incident that has happened to me is the service that the workers give, although they are polite to the customers through their friendly face and manners, the workers who attend the fitting room to help other customers to stalls looked like she didn't want to be there, it seemed as if she didn't want to get up from her chair just to place a tag onto a door for a customer. Just by the expression of attitude through the workers, it leaves some customers to feel uncomfortable about coming back to the store again if the attitude of workers seem to be as if they are unwilling to attend to customers or show no effort of wanting to help out in the store. I feel it gives customers the wrong impression of the store. I'm not expecting all your workers to come to work with a enthusiastic personality throughout the whole day, although I expect a certain amount of respect to show to the customers. I suggest to advice the workers to show enthusiasm to the customers and make sure to come to work with a positive attitude to show to other customers. 
Overall, I think your store does a good job in maintaining the status expected of Ever Blue. I just feel that these suggestions about the employees training and service will help your sales. I hope you take into consideration about what I've had to say of the store. I'm pretty sure with the constructive criticism I had addressed in this letter, it will help your business. I think that it's most important for stores with good service will help give customers the attitude to want to come back and shop again. Thank you for your time. 

Angelica Faylogna

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