Thursday, January 19, 2012

Allusion Poem (based on Sailor Moon)

Blunt, Beautiful, & Bold
Shown Strong & Courageous
Representing myself well
Though they see me differently
They see me as glass
Unable to make good decisions

But that's not who I am
There's more to me
Im worthy of any obstacle
Willing to try
I'll fight to the very finish
Expecting to Succeed
Hoping to achieve
Wishing for only greatness
Willing to make you proud
Making the best out of life
It's my battle


  1. hey angie! i really liked the first stanza of your poem. I like how you list the characteristics of yourself and how other people may see you as. What makes this poem strong is in the end where you say "it's my battle" which shows how strong you are and that you can take any problem that comes your way! One thing you can try to work on is organization. Try finding a poetic structure to use so it shows that you know how to create a poem. other than that, Great job (:

  2. hey angie,
    your poem has gotten to a great start. I like how you tell us about what other people say and you don't care about what they say and you know that your beautiful and all those other characteristics. This peom really hit me and caught my eye and i know how you feel because i've been through the same thing.
