Monday, August 8, 2011

Who's to Blame?

    Between all the sides of the story depending on the situations regarding any of the fatalities that took place with tourists on natural landmarks there is never a 100% right side or wrong side. Although there is always two sides of the story. Either one. the tourists fault for being ignorant and making bad decisions around the natural landmarks or the government for not warning the tourists enough on how dangerous the area can be.
   For the tourists side of the story, I know that majority of people visiting the islands and viewing the natural landmarks are always here for a reason which is to have fun and go on adventures that the islands have to offer. I understand that part, but that is no reason to have no common sense because although you're having lot of fun, that doesn't make the area less dangerous. That is what I think causes accidents like this to happen because there are tourist who aren't thinking at the age level they should be. I can't say that all of the accidents are because of the thinking levels of many tourists because not all of the accidents could have been prevented.
  On the other hand, the government does play role in this because they are basically the ones who should know the areas best and should know more on how dangerous it can be. The areas that tourists want to view are always the most exciting areas which are also the more hazardous areas. I think that most tourist should know that already, but just in case, the government should warn them twice to prevent cases where some tourists find that they got hurt only because there were no signs warning them to be careful and at their own risk.
    Although throughout the world there are always areas that catch attention by many people who would want to visit and view all the beautiful natural landmarks wherever they please, but they must understand that there are many ways to die as well. You could die in more that a million ways, but never the less that does not mean that the government is responsible for any poor choices any tourists or even locals make regarding lack of common sense through decisions like approaching dangerous areas. Visitors should be smart enough to understand that entering areas like the natural landmarks of the hawaiian islands were not man made to specifically be safe for the public to use and handle. I think that the tourists that do get into accidents involving death and injuries from miss judgements are to blame, because majority of the time it is 100% their fault.


  1. Hi Angelica,
    The bottom line on a "position statement" is that it must take a position. Your "mini essay" gives two positions and so it doesn't really fulfill the assignment.
    You should go with the position in your first paragraph or the position in your second, not both, to show mastery of the "position statement."
    AS (1)

  2. Hi Mrs. Sueoka,
    I just revised my position statement essay with the corrections you pointed out for me by choosing a side for the issue. Thank you for the help!
