Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Coming of Age Portrait Draft


  1. Hey Ang!
    I really like your idea for a coming of age poster; the tear in the page and rain falling in the water. I can see how the pictures are realistic and animated and I find that creative. To make the picture more realistic tho, you could've made the 'I am but a product of my own thoughts' a type of blue color and outlined your picture in the cloud with a blue outline, so you're sticking to basically one color and going from there, that's where you get more deep into what you're really trying to portray in your poster. For your words in the teardrops, I think you should've made them negative words because it'll make much more sense if your 'negative' teardrops falling from the sky land into an ocean of positive cause I see that all the words that you put into the ocean are positive words. I hope that makes sense to you. If not, then you could js add baby pictures of yourself in the teardrops so that could symbolize you growing up and since you've grown up, you won't drown in water filled with what you were. I really hope that makes sense. Other than that, js make a couple of changes and you're good to go. :)

  2. Hello there!(:
    I really like the idea that you created for your poster. Although it looks a little plain, I'm sure you'll make it more unique. Blur the edges of those raindrops so it doesn't look noticable that you cut the image. I like the word choices that you have. Make sure to add in more pictures to make it " Coming of Age ". You could make your poster a little bit more clearer/understandable. Try make the colors stand out for your quote. It doesn't really bring out what you're trying to say. Also, you could make it bigger. Overall, it's good!. Just adjust everything and you'll be okay! Good luck with your final! :D

    ~ Lex
