Thursday, May 3, 2012

Journal #1

From attending gymnastics classes for a few years, I have grown a passion into cheerleading. I started cheering only for the experience, never would I have thought it would be this important my life as it is today. To challenge myself, I am assigned to help choreograph the Sophomore class's end of the year leader. This is a big step for me because for cheer I am always learning dances, never do I ever have to make my own. To help me with this I am thinking of talking to my coach, Travis Mukina and fellow teammates on advice to how I should put this together and maybe a few pointers on how to get me started. What I'm looking forward to this experience and hopefully getting answers to questions of, Am I good at what I do? or By what I do, am I able to show of it? Will I be able to make my own routine?, or Am I capable of doing what I do on my own? My intentions through this experience is to find a bigger picture as to why I do what I am passionate about. I guess for some people a sport comes natural to them, and for me I found myself interested, but basically will I be able to push myself to represent what I am able to come up with, what I am made of, and showing exactly what I can do to contribute.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelica!
    Great job on your first Project Icarus journal. You have clearly described your passion for cheer, listed your resources for your "stretch" learning, and discussed what you hope to accomplish through the project.
    Good luck with the leader production!
    mrs s
