Thursday, April 12, 2012

white, black, and shades of gray

After looking back at my timeline, it opened my eyes into realizing for one, the many ways I have grown as a person. All the mistakes I have made, how I have grown, my maturity in handling situations, and for just about all the times I have been tested of my faith and morals. As a human being, I know for a fact that I am not perfect just as everyone else isn't. Although with that, I know with every wrong doings I have done, it still doesn't make it alright. Until this day I have a bunch regrets planted in the back of my head that I will never seem to find peace with and will probably haunt my soul through eternity. I would do over a million things in my life if I could, but the reason why it isn't possible is for the fact that with every mess up, you grow. This is what makes you stand out from a crowd, for your initiative to understand right from wrong after learning from your mistakes. 
As for the good I have done in the world, I can say I am not a terrible person. I have done about the same amount of good as of bad. If anything, I believe I have done more of good than bad in this world. I think it is the fact the each and everyone one of us is given the opportunity to chose a path we want to take in life. I for one am a really self motivated person, constantly thinking of how I will manage to reach a goal. Through my religion, my main intentions are to reach the gates of heaven when my time comes, with that I plan on living up to the motto of "what would Jesus do". Sometimes my pride gets the best of me, I am built to please my parents. Like many people, we are nice because we are expected to be. As for me, I do the right thing because its pays off in the end. What I mean by that is, with a good attitude comes positive karma. I guess you can say I'm a little cliche. 


  1. hey angie! Your graphic is very easy to read & simple, which isn't bad at all! In your two paragraphs you explain how you have your faults but then you turn it into a positive thing, saying it's what makes a person...UNIQUE, in a way. I liked how you added that to your explanation. (: good job!

  2. Hey Angelica,

    Your graphic was very simple and easy to understand. I really like how you switched the text to the different sides when you started to get towards the bad things you have done. Some things you can improve on in your graphic is some of the space between the lines are bigger than others which squished some of your text. To fix it you should make the space in between the lines equal so you are able to center your text better and making it neater. Fix that and your graphic is great.

    I really loved your reflection. I can tell you spent a really long time on it and really dug deep inside yourself to come to the realizations you have made during this project. I really like how you talk about how you have grown and that no one is perfect. You did a great job on your reflection.

    -Mikayla Domingo
