Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Journal #3

In my many experiences of sports and clubs ranging from jazz, hip-hip, ballet, karate, and volleyball, there was never a real connection into it. I never had that itch to wanting to always be in practice or class trying to get better and improving on my skills. I never really felt dedicated to anything. Until I came along cheerleading is about the same time I started seeing my whole life differently. What started as just a good experience after attempting to expand my interest gymnastics, I found myself drawn to a new connection not only with the sports but also with each and every one of my team mates. We that sort of bond with each other where we all thought the same, our intentions of why were okay with giving up our weekends, after school, and summer. We were just that into it, through the excitement of the crowd when you're on that cheer mat to the way we are constantly learning new things and improving. It not considered a routine but more of a skill to perfect and grow on from. I think that's what made it my passion that it is  to me today. Why I absolutely hate the thought of the sacrifices I chose to make to participate, although I do it anyway because I could never imagine my life without it. It keeps me motivated to stay on top of grades, inspired to keep on improving, and the ambition to always staying positive no matter the circumstances. Project Icarus has inspired me to take it to the next level. What started as an experiment has become a growing interest in my life. The more and more I am eager to get better and master my skills. I think that's what made my project a lot more enjoyable to do, I was learning how to create my own self. There was no one for me to follow directions and orders from, I was all me calling the tricks and moves to play. I was the one not only in charge, but I was the one everyone had to look up to as the member who knew exactly what to do through having experience with this kind of work. It was fun to teach a few moves here and there little by little the dance would come together. I think the only regret I have to this experience was the poor convenience everyone had to participating. Not everyone could make it to put it together. Although I appreciated the effort of those who did manage to have some spare time to help with the leader. It was a great experience, i felt like it gave me confidence to try and branch out a little bit further into choreographing small jobs, or maybe another leader or music video sometime in the future.

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