Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Writing Standards Portfolio (Reflection)

}A) The achievements I am proud of the most would be seeing my improvement in using Photoshop, learning how to write better and also knowing how to use time management by multi-tasking to get more things done faster.
}B) My major challenges this semester would be knowing how to show and not tell descriptions in essays I write and also not procrastinating on projects and assignments.
}C) My goals next semester would be to learn how to write better essays by expanding my vocabulary in describing things and to learn how use Photoshop better to make outstanding projects such as outside reading cards as well. I think my goals are attainable because I have already gotten much better in them in the second semester and I feel as if I can get even better at them next semester.
Mom/Dad, please write a reflection of my portfolio presentation.  Please answer these questions as follows:

1. What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why? 
2. What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
3. Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice) do you feel was most successful for me?
4. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Outside Reading Card: Dear John by: Nicholas Sparks


Grading assement: 4
My quote represents the main point of the story and my conflict and resolutions flows through the idea in showing the lesson of the book with great emotion mixed in with detail. My design helps the viewers relate to the storyline between the main characters, & give them a better understanding of the setting and mood to it. The pictures of Savannah and John together also help the readers come across a greater touch through seeing a brief look of them and their feeling through one another. It gives the viewers a thrill of temptation to want to read the book itself in view of their sorrow romance.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Draft of KC3 (World War II: Science & Technology of our Economy today)

Since the World War II, many things have happened through our economy to help improve ways to prevent misfortunes such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. U.S. military has come up with a variety of ways to help improve our science & technology every day. We have developed better engineered weaponry, state of the art equipment, but also energy saving designed. We have scientists working hard every day looking for the next great discovery, creating jobs in cutting-edge technologies and making smart investments that will help businesses in every community succeed in a global economy.
In contributing $3 billion in 2007 to the state's economy, private technology companies represent only a small percentage of overall earnings in Hawaii's business sector. It although did create new jobs. It notes that much of the state's growth in technology industries is based on federal government spending in research and development in areas such as space research and related defense industries.
In Maui County, growth in technology industries was primarily a result of projects funded by the federal Department of Defense, in aerospace research as well as information technology, the report said, "driven partly by the activities occurring at the Maui High Performance Computing Center and the Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site”. But it also noted that Maui County is increasingly attracting alternative energy programs in use of wind, solar and biofuels.
While a 2007 report said the tax credit supported $1 billion in investment in Hawaii, at a cost of $167 million in tax revenues, the program has been criticized for failing to create sufficient numbers of permanent jobs. Agencies such as the Maui Economic Development Board have been promoting educational programs for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), starting in grade schools with a long-range goal of providing a trained and stable work force for industries that might come to Hawaii, or developing entrepreneurs who would create their own technology-based businesses. Wilkins said the economic development boards and companies in Hawaii recognize the wage differential among private technology businesses. But she said the wage differential for technology jobs in Hawaii is not unique. MEDB President Jeanne Skog added that Hawaii still has a location advantage, particularly with specialists who grew up in the islands.
Although in many different cases, the growing of our technology and science has brought upon a problem for Hawaiians and many other citizens in Hawaii. Military have used sacred places to test out their new equipment. This has created a big conflict over the years. Most Hawaiians have found it disrespectful to be using these parts of the land. Especially when used to test out certain weapons, explosives, etc. But overall, we should be very proud of the success our Economy has made over the years in improving our technology today.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Brainy Pix

                          DELETERIOUS: hurtful; emotionally & physically .
          Example Sentence: I became deleterious after my best friend stole my first crush!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Quarter Reflection; Fall, 2010

The first quarter was full of new & exciting but also difficult things. I made a lot of new friends, learned how to write using the 6 traits of writing and to show not tell what I am trying to say as i write. I learned how to use creativity, time management, and become more computer literate. I realized now how much harder it is to get work done on time, especially when doing a video or project, etc. Working together with other students has not been a problem for me. We all get along just well. It's best that when accomplishing work, I do it all at one time. It makes it easier to get things done more efficiently and help to not procrastinate. There is actually nothing I would really change about Language-Arts. Although the only difficulties I did have during the first quarter, here in MeneMAC, was using photoshop because it got confusing for me with all the layers and different tools. I had a hard time with first project, but now, I am able to manage. Also editing when doing videos, they frustrate you whenever it gets to the parts where your trying to match different your audio & video together, & when your trying to cut out pieces & you get confused on which video belongs. I guess practice will make perfect later on as I continue to make other videos. My overall MeneMAC experience has been all that I ever hoped of and more. I couldn't of imagined a better way to experience it. My goals and hopes for this quarter is to get better at making good movies, getting more good at photoshop, and also working time management.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Outside Reading Card

Self Assesment: I succeeded in showing the conflict, resolution, and a quote of the story. I did a good job making my conflict and resolution descriptive and easy to relate to and my quote corresponded to the conflict and resolution I wrote quite well. My card is well organize, full of originality, simply creative, and  I accomplished making a design that flowed through the theme of the story. Although, I feel that I could have defined the text a little more to let it stand out from the background & make it easier to read. In all, I am absolutely satisfied in the work I produced. I believe I deserve a 3 for this project. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Querencia Draft

        As I step feet away from the campus, I can already hear the laughter & joy of those student waiting for their parents at the lanai near the office. I am swept away from the gentle breeze of the refreshing wind. I can't help but think of all the great times I had here. Although I only attended Saint Theresa Catholic School for 3 years, I feel so attached to it. It is like my second home. Coming from a public school, it is really different. You learn more discipline here. At first, it hated this place, but later on after graduating and looking back, I realized that it actually helped me. It taught me how to be the mature, independent, strong young woman I am today. They taught me time management skills, over achieving, and especially to not be afraid to live up my faith.
      I guess I realize now how important it is to include God in your daily life. Not only do I just love the school, but also the church. I always love to go to confession because it gives me a time to let out all the guilt I have inside me and start fresh again. I love staying back after mass either when I'm altar serving or going with my family because the silence after the mass if just so overwhelming. It's calming a peaceful almost like a getaway from the real world. You can actually hear yourself think, it's really relaxing.
     Whenever it comes to visiting the school, I never get tired walking around visiting all the places where we had our greatest laughs and funniest moments. It's really fun seeing all those old & new faces around school. Also getting to see all the changes they made over the year. There is never a year they didn't change up the rules. It makes us, as the alumnis of the school jealous to want to go back another year. I love how there are so many different places to chill. If you ever visit this place, you would understand. It is always breezy with the sound of birds and laughing children. To me, it's calming. I never mind being alone for a while, because it's on of those places where it won't matter. It might be a little school, but in all, it's quite easier to memorize names and make friends. I think the only thing I didn't like about the school was the uniforms! I hate showing my legs because I am extremely paranoid about them. Our uniforms used to be skorts and jumpers so I would always freak out because I hated when people looked at my legs! I actually learned how to be a tougher volleyball player too, because since our court was outdoors, we had an advantage over other schools that had gyms and indoor courts. Although I did get a little more darker after awhile, my mom actually got mad because of it. I was a big trouble maker back then, so I always got punishment laps where I would have to run around the whole church depending how many times I got in trouble. I'm pretty sure in all, I probably ran around 45 times through the whole season.
      Saint Theresa is not just an ordinary school, it more than that. They taught me how to love one another and bond as a family. It's a place where you can go to collect your thoughts. To have good laughs and memories that will last a life time. It is definately a place I will never forget.


Monday, September 6, 2010

"My Special Place"

Where do you go to think?
When i need space to think or whenever I feel like I need some time to myself after a bad day at school or when something is bothering me, I go to Saint Theresa Catholic School in Kalihi and walk around for awhile. It was my middle school, full of good laughs, great times, and so much of my favorite memories. I go there because it helps me to connect with myself whenever I feel lost. I love it when the younger grades come to greet me when I visit because it reminds me of how lucky I am to have so many friends that care, and also because they can be so supportive and extremely helpful whenever I need a shoulder to cry on or a good laugh after a long day no matter how big the situation might be. At times when I feel like being alone, I would go the back stairs of the school and play songs off my phone. Other times when i need a place to just reflect on things, I would sit on the small wall next to the 1st grader's garden and wait until a refreshing gust of wind comes and brushes through my face because for some reason, it makes me smile. And before I leave, I always look back at the Saint Theresa Statue in front of the school, because to me, it looks as if she's smiling and waving goodbye, it gives me this warm feeling inside! There is so much things I can say about this place, I never get bored going back to visit! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Roots & Recipes Rough Draft

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been going to my grandma’s house every summer vacation and other holidays. It’s always been full of excitement there and never a boring day. I and all my cousins always find different ways to have fun with the dullest situations. Every occasion when we all go there for a party, all the cousins would stay in 1 room all cramped up just so we could be together and joke around. The uncles all gather in one corner of the backyard barbequing and laughing together. While the aunties help grandma and grandpa prepare the food inside.

For as long as I can remember, my grandma and grandpa were the ones I’ve always looked up to. They were always known as the wisest ones in the family, so everyone would always go to them whenever there was a problem. Although sometimes, me and my cousins aren’t the greatest grandchildren to them, we always know when to show our appreciation. And for me, that is why I chose them to interview for my project.

As I reached there, that Sunday afternoon, I had a flash back of all the good memories we had together as a family growing up. It made me realize how grateful I was to have a family like them. Once I got in the house, my grandma, grandpa, and cousins were all there to greet me. My grandma and grandpa were eager to start on the interview. After we got started, I noticed their faces started to get more worried. More as if they were scared to make a mistake because they wanted to show everything to me perfect.

Watching my grandma first, soak the noodles and boiling the water. Then chopping and frying the meat. Later adding spices into the pot while they slowly mixed all the ingredients together, was a lot for me to handle. Usually I go outside while they cook to distract myself from the heavenly smell of their food. But at that moment, I couldn’t resist myself, my mouth started to water uncontrollably. It made me realize how much work it really took to make her recipe. Not much people ever appreciated all the time there is that goes into making her food that we all love so much. It also occurred to me, that every time we do crave for her delicious food, she is never too stubborn to say no. She told me that she loves making it for everyone no matter the situation because she is just proud to be sharing her food with the ones she loves. That just shows how devoted she is to her cooking and family.

I went through every step of the cooking process with them. They never let me miss a single second of how they cooked it! They let me help also, which I didn’t seem too fond of since I wasn’t really the cooking type of girl. They understood though, because they know how us teenagers are. While my grandma was cooking, she also told me a couple stories of how it was back when her and my grandpa were younger. She told me how she learned to cook by practicing for her growing family of 5 daughters and 1 son. She explained to me how hard it is to cook for a large family and also caring for all of them. She also implied that I shouldn’t get married too early as well.

Later while asking my grandpa to briefly go through all the steps and ingredients for me on a paper, I ended up having to redo my paper almost 5 times because of all the times he made mistakes explaining them to me and also making sure all the steps and ingredients were right. He told me he didn’t want me to write down the ingredients and steps wrong and turn it in that way. I had to assure him that I had it all correct.

Interviewing my grandma later after eating, she kept hesitating because she insisted not to have her interviewed because of her poor English speaking. Which was a good thing I had my mom there to translate for me to help her, or else she wouldn’t have agreed to be interviewed. It was pretty funny while I was interviewing her though. You should have been there to see what I meant. My other cousins also started laughing after hearing her in my interview from a distance. I don’t mean to tease her though. I tried making her tell me other stories in between all my questions, but she really didn’t have much to say. But after the whole thing was done, I took a deep breath satisfied, knowing that I would never forget that day because I actually bonded with them a little more. It is definitely something I will cherish later on in my life as I get older.


1. Prepare the chicken/pork & garlic.

2. Clean & boil the chicken/pork.

3. Cut the meat into sliced parts.

4. Fry meat with garlic.

5. After brown, add “patis” or fish soy.

6. Transfer it to another pot.

7. Add water to the pot depending on the amount of servings. (1 package = 5mml of water)

8. Add red dye to the pot.

9. When water comes to a boil, add noodles from package.

10. Boil water for 10 min. for until noodles are soft.

11. Taste if the flavor is suitable to you, of not, you can add more fish soy or etc. spices.

12. Enjoy! ( make sure you dont burn yourself! It still might be hot when served) :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Roots & Recipes Interview

What: Appointment Date for Interview 
When: Saturday, 8/28/10
Where: Grandma's house or my house
Who: Interviewing my Grandma

Questions to Ask Her:
1. How many years have you been making this recipe?
2. Has it been passed on through generation?
3. Have you had any interesting memories behind making this recipe throughout the years?
4. Is she proud to be sharing and making this same recipe for others, like other relatives, friends, or for parties?
5. What's the best compliment you ever had for your recipe?
6. Has she ever made a mistake when making her dish?
7. Has anyone ever told her that her recipe tasted bad or something similar to that?
8. When's the time she made her worst batch ?
9. When's the time she made her best batch of this recipe?
10. Has she ever embarrased herself while or after making her miki? Like has she ever spilled in to someone, dropped something while making it, etc.
11. How is she feeling at this very moment while I am interviewing her? ( what are the motions running thorugh her head. Either excited, nervous, scared, bored, paranoid, terrified, etc.)

                                                                                                      - :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Roots & Recipes Brainstorm

1) what food will you be describing?
Miki (Filipino Food)

2)What are some special memories it has for you?
I used to call it Mickey Mouse food!

3)What are some sensory details that will help brign the food "to life" for your readers?
decsribing how the food smells, tastes, feels, and looks like. Also by providing a before and after picture.

4) who will you be interviewing about you food?
My grandma.