Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Writing Standards Portfolio (Reflection)

}A) The achievements I am proud of the most would be seeing my improvement in using Photoshop, learning how to write better and also knowing how to use time management by multi-tasking to get more things done faster.
}B) My major challenges this semester would be knowing how to show and not tell descriptions in essays I write and also not procrastinating on projects and assignments.
}C) My goals next semester would be to learn how to write better essays by expanding my vocabulary in describing things and to learn how use Photoshop better to make outstanding projects such as outside reading cards as well. I think my goals are attainable because I have already gotten much better in them in the second semester and I feel as if I can get even better at them next semester.
Mom/Dad, please write a reflection of my portfolio presentation.  Please answer these questions as follows:

1. What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why? 
2. What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
3. Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice) do you feel was most successful for me?
4. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

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