Saturday, August 14, 2010

Roots & Recipes Brainstorm

1) what food will you be describing?
Miki (Filipino Food)

2)What are some special memories it has for you?
I used to call it Mickey Mouse food!

3)What are some sensory details that will help brign the food "to life" for your readers?
decsribing how the food smells, tastes, feels, and looks like. Also by providing a before and after picture.

4) who will you be interviewing about you food?
My grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelica,

    Sounds like an interesting dish...especially the name ;>
    Be sure, however, that whenever you do any writing or brainstorming, that you provide specific detail. You say that you are going to include sensory detail, but the blog should have given examples. It also needed to describe the special times or memories connected with the food.

    Blog Assessment Score: 2
    mrs s
