Thursday, April 12, 2012

white, black, and shades of gray

After looking back at my timeline, it opened my eyes into realizing for one, the many ways I have grown as a person. All the mistakes I have made, how I have grown, my maturity in handling situations, and for just about all the times I have been tested of my faith and morals. As a human being, I know for a fact that I am not perfect just as everyone else isn't. Although with that, I know with every wrong doings I have done, it still doesn't make it alright. Until this day I have a bunch regrets planted in the back of my head that I will never seem to find peace with and will probably haunt my soul through eternity. I would do over a million things in my life if I could, but the reason why it isn't possible is for the fact that with every mess up, you grow. This is what makes you stand out from a crowd, for your initiative to understand right from wrong after learning from your mistakes. 
As for the good I have done in the world, I can say I am not a terrible person. I have done about the same amount of good as of bad. If anything, I believe I have done more of good than bad in this world. I think it is the fact the each and everyone one of us is given the opportunity to chose a path we want to take in life. I for one am a really self motivated person, constantly thinking of how I will manage to reach a goal. Through my religion, my main intentions are to reach the gates of heaven when my time comes, with that I plan on living up to the motto of "what would Jesus do". Sometimes my pride gets the best of me, I am built to please my parents. Like many people, we are nice because we are expected to be. As for me, I do the right thing because its pays off in the end. What I mean by that is, with a good attitude comes positive karma. I guess you can say I'm a little cliche.