Sunday, February 5, 2012

Graphic Final


  1. a. Selecting my mythological allusion was actually really difficult for me. It took me about a week to think of what kind of character I wanted to portray. Either a greek god, goddess, or a cartoon character. Finally after dwelling on it as I ate my meals, day dreamed in the car and even before I went to bed. I finally came up with the idea to want to use a character that was part of my childhood. As a kid my favorite show was sailor moon. That was the first thing I watched once I got home & before I left home for school. It was a part of me. For some reason reason, I looked up to Sailor moon through the things I did. Collecting books and markers with her name and face on them to playing pretend with my friends at school.

    b) I wanted to give my poem a clear comparison between me and Sailor moon. First off by thinking of the things we had in common. Afterwards coming up with the significant things that described me. Showing of how people don't see me as I really am. A majority of other people's first impressions of me usually don't match the personality I really have. I guess you can say that actually I am a ball of surprise. You will never know what I would do next. Through the three paragraphs that I divided my poem into, it goes from first explaining what people usually see me, to me explaining myself of who I think I am, to showing what I am worthy of and what I think i am capable of doing. I can say, I surprise myself all the time. So there is never a complete guarantee of the expectations others see in me. This part actually seemed easier for me to come up with than thinking of the topic or mythological allusion to begin with only because the words to my poem basically flowed out. It was natural for me to express myself and with using my childhood hero as the comparison, and of knowing all about her it was no problem to come up with similar things to show of the kind of person I am today through the influences I looked upon from her as a kid.

  2. c) First thing I thought of as I sat in front of the computer with photoshop open was what will be my main background to this whole comparison I want to portray with my childhood hero, Sailor Moon be? First thing that was an obvious idea to it was a moon. Of course with having a moon as my background it just makes sense to have something on the planet. Afterwards, the whole idea to my graphic cam together. I knew exactly how to make it which was a relief to know I was able to come up with it and create it without having a problem. After all, having to do it in G201 because I didn't I have photoshop at home. Although it was a good thing I always came to school early, it gives me a little more time to work on it without having to worry about the bell ringing and having to come back after break, lunch, and after school to finish it up. Moving on, I decided the moon could represent my world. Me on the moon with Sailor Moon on the other side, showing the similarities we shared I added words I also used in my poem to describe my comparison to her that surrounded us as we were standing on the moon. With the moon, it just seemed right to add starts to the background also, which led me to the idea of reaching for the starts as I mentioned in my poem of showing everyone what I really am capable of and making those proud of me & also proving to the people that didn't believe in me what I'm really capable of.

    d) These creative responses with having to write up a poem and graphic has definitely helped to to realize not only my world a lot better but to realize mainly who I have become. Never in my life have I imagined being where I am. I've always doubted my capabilities, never thinking I was good enough. This might sound cliche, but from watching my childhood hero fight off bad guys through her own strength and courage it inspired me more throughout the years to know exactly what I wanted in life which in the long run surprised myself. I look forward to doing something like this in class again. It was really inspiring, it has opened up my eyes to realizing who I am and understanding what kind of person I've become. It gives me a spark of appreciation I have to myself on the kind of achievements I succeeded on proving not only to others but to myself.

  3. Hi Angelica!
    Nice job on your revised graphic and on your reflection. The character traits do help to show what you are highlighting about your allusion.
    The reflection also helped to explain your creative process, both in the poem and in the graphic :)
    Assessment Score: ES (4-)
    mrs s
